Scuba Diving Lights

A diving light is an essential accessory for scuba divers explore under crevices, in caves or wrecks or enjoying the joy of night diving. As new LED and battery technology improves,  diving lights are becoming brighter and more compact. 

The key measure of a diving lights performance is the lumen output, the higher the lumen number, the brighter the torch. Put simply, lumens equals brightness! Burn time is also a factor as is the type of batteries a torch uses - standard alkaline batteries are easy to replace and provide long burn times whilst rechargeable may be a little more expensive up front, but longer term work out to be a very economical power option. 

Wetsuit Factory offers full range of scuba diving lights and torches for recreational divers - feel free to contact the team if you would like more info or to discuss selection.

3 products

3 products